The Cameroonian government has the ambition to turn Cameroon into an emerging country by 2035. The executive seeks to develop information and communication technologies to accelerate the achievement of its objectives.

Cameroon launched its Digital Transformation Acceleration Project (PATNuC) on August 23, under the leadership of the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Minette Libom Li Likeng. The program is supported by the World Bank, which finances it with 100 million US dollars.

Specifically, the project aims to continue reforms and policies in the information and communication technology sector; expand Internet access; improve the digital skills of Cameroonians; encourage the development of digital applications and services; strengthen digital inclusion; increase the use of digital services and stimulate employment and entrepreneurship.

According to Minette Libom Li Likeng, “PATNuC embodies the digital transformation approach oriented towards a sector of great importance for Cameroon, while proposing to reform the regulatory framework of the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector.

The Digital Transformation Acceleration Project should contribute to the realization of the SND30 National Development Strategy and “Vision 2035”, which seek to turn Cameroon into “an emerging country, democratic and united in its diversity”, thanks to the transformation structural of the economy and inclusive development.

Article source: eco news africa