The company Aciturri Aeronautics has taken another step in its international expansion with the aim of growing in the world of motors and supplies, where it currently has the TIER1 level. For this reason, the firm settled in Miranda de Ebro will take over the Moroccan Goam Industrie plant in Ville de Deroua, in the town of Casablanca.

Goam Industry It is in charge of machining and styling aeronautical turbine blades and would welcome this operation. Besides, It should be noted that the devastating earthquake that took place in Morocco Less than a month ago it did not affect the factory and it is presented as a golden opportunity for the Spanish company.

In fact, Aciturri already acquired the Rochefort, in France, so this agreement will mean a new step for the company's growth, although they assure that for the moment There is nothing signed or agreed upon.

It represents a great boost for the company

The company Goam Industrie, as the media explains The mailhas between 30 and 50 workers, so this absorption represents a great strategic advance on the part of the company, which would give it a boost when it comes to distinguishing itself as one of the large companies in the sector, both as a TIER1 supplier, as in the sale of aeronautical engine components focused on the service of companies such as Rolls Royce, General Electric or Pratt & Whitney, among many others.

For all this, Aciturri adds a new element to its business mechanism, which at the same time will facilitate and help improve the services provided to the French Rochefort factory, which It has more than 250 employees.

The company assures that there is still no official confirmation that will arrive once the contract is signed, where all the details and links that will unite the company will be specified. Aciturri with the Moroccan plant.

Article source:huffspot