Morocco: Soho Hotels accelerates its expansion with an investment of 30 million euros
La cadena hotelera española Soho Boutique Hotels ha convertido Marruecos en un destino clave para su expansión internacional. Su...
La cadena hotelera española Soho Boutique Hotels ha convertido Marruecos en un destino clave para su expansión internacional. Su...
El primer ministro de Costa de Marfil, Robert Beugré Mambé, declaró el jueves que el sector petrolero y gasífero...
Africa has always marveled at its ability to overcome the challenges it faces, and it is not...
The campaign, entitled "Dessinons l'avenir" (Let's draw the future), is a joint initiative of Côte d'Ivoire, Germany, the Netherlands...
Since its inception in Morocco in 2000, the TechnoPark network has become a thriving...
The production of green hydrogen in Morocco has been established as a national priority, especially after the instructions...
In 2022, the Ministry of Energy Transition granted licenses to several new renewable energy projects with a capacity...