Agence Ecofin - Sen’eau aims to increase the energy efficiency of two sites and thus hopes to achieve savings in its operating costs, in line with its strategy

The Senegalese company responsible for the operation and distribution of drinking water in urban and peri-urban areas, Sen’eau, and TotalEnergies through its subsidiary TotalEnergies Renewables Distributed Generation Middle East Africa, have partnered for the development of two photovoltaic solar power plants in Senegal.

Both entities signed a protocol agreement on March 28th. The two power plants will have a total capacity of 20 MWp, with a production capacity of 20 GWh for the Mékhé solar plant located in the commune of Méouane, which will cover 32% of the energy needs of the Mékhé booster station, and the Keur Momar Sarr plant which will produce 25 GWh for the local facilities.

Construction of both power plants is expected to begin simultaneously this year, according to SEN’EAU, which emphasizes that the projects align with its vision and that of TotalEnergie to promote energy efficiency and environmental preservation.

It is worth noting that the Senegalese government has committed to decarbonize its economy in the coming years, placing more emphasis on renewable energies. This commitment has been supported by developed countries within the framework of a partnership for a just energy transition.

Article source:businessnewsafrica