China boosts Morocco
China ha puesto sus ojos en Marruecos. El gigante asiático ha visto en el país norteafricano todo un filón...
China ha puesto sus ojos en Marruecos. El gigante asiático ha visto en el país norteafricano todo un filón...
Rabat ha concluido tres contratos de préstamos por un monto total de 250 millones de euros, así como dos...
El 11 de enero, Clavijo analizará con el secretario general de Transporte y Logística marroquí las líneas de trabajo...
Para entidades marroquíes sin cuentas en monedas extranjeras o dírhams convertibles, la financiación está limitada a 200,000 dirhams (20,283...
L’industrie automobile marocaine está en pleno auge gracias a un notable crecimiento de las exportaciones, con ambiciosos planes de...
La Oficina de Desarrollo de la Cooperación (ODCO) celebró su Consejo de Administración el martes 26 de diciembre de...
La firma de los contratos de financiamiento de proyectos de I+D e innovación industrial y los contratos programas Estado/clusters...
Antiguos jefes de Estado africanos y latinoamericanos abogaron el jueves en Marrakech a favor de una mayor cooperación Sud-Sud...
Comprometidos a contribuir a la hoja de ruta de bajas emisiones de carbono del Reino de Marruecos, Nexans y...
Su Majestad el Rey Mohammed VI sostuvo, este lunes 4 de diciembre en el Palacio Presidencial «Qasr Al Watan»...
Rabat: The leaders of the Seto organization, which represents the 70 largest tour operators in the French market,...
Rabat: The American magazine Conde Nast Traveler has included the Moroccan capital, Rabat, in its list of African destinations...
The Moroccan National Railway Office has promised to invest 16 billion dirhams (1.56 billion...
The portal aims to "facilitate access" to the national heritage for Moroccan citizens, foreigners, researchers and experts....
The total investment effort of the public sector amounts to 335 billion dirhams (MMDH) for the year...
The request of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, president of the transition of Burkina Faso, to Vladimir Putin, within the framework...
The Bir Lahjar cultural center in Tunisia has been transformed into a gigantic theatrical and musical spectacle during the...
FIFA President Gianni Infantino summarized the main decisions taken by the council of this organization, explaining...
Kitesurfers coming from all over the world ignore this, but Dakhla is a city full of history...
The company Aciturri Aeronáutica has taken another step in its international expansion with the aim of growing in the world...
The Sahara is the commercial heart and crop production center for Egypt and the region of...
The organizers of the urban music festival, L'Boulevard, have revealed, on Monday, September 4 in Casablanca, the program...
King Mohammed VI visited the Marrakech University Hospital on Tuesday. He toured the intensive care unit and...
The magnitude 7 earthquake that occurred on the night of Friday to Saturday left a balance of 2,122...
New historical and decisive discovery for the economy of the Kingdom of Morocco. As published by the Atalayar media, Rabat ends...
The acting Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, praised...
The event aims to provide young Moroccans with the tools and mindset necessary to thrive in...