In Niger, as in many African countries, digital transformation represents both a challenge and a crucial opportunity for socio-economic development

The Minister of Communication, Posts, and Digital Economy, Sidi Mohamed Raliou, has officially launched a diagnostic study on Niger's digital economy (Niger DE4A)

According to Sidi Mohamed Raliou, the national diagnostic of Niger's digital economy aims to assess the penetration level of digital services and usage in Niger.

This assessment of the development of the digital economy in Niger will provide policymakers with specific and priority recommendations to accelerate the digital transformation of Niger's administration and its socio-economic fabric," declared

This study aims to support the operationalization of the digital transformation strategy of the African Union

This diagnostic exercise of Niger's digital economy will be conducted through a methodological approach focusing on three pillars: first, taking stock of the development of the digital economy in Niger; then, identifying challenges and opportunities for digital growth in Niger; and finally, formulating prioritized and sequenced recommendations on actions to unleash the potential of digital economy development in Niger

Article source: l'observateur