For four days, the largest European fair dedicated to new technologies hosted the elite of global innovation at Porte de Versailles in Paris

A cradle of numerous talents, Africa was well represented, particularly by Algeria, which aims to position itself as a regional hub of innovation and reverse the trend of brain drain. This is the mission set by Sid Ali Zerrouki, CEO of Algeria Venture

AI is not the future, it's now

It was necessary to have an elite capable of adopting and mastering these technologies to be at the forefront of innovation. We aspire to be the hub not only for Africa but also for the Mediterranean in terms of innovation."

Today, out of every three startups founded in Algeria, one is created by an entrepreneur based abroad. So the brain drain is happening in the opposite direction! And we are proud to be reversing this trend. In fact, it's our mission to help them grow and develop internationally while keeping the research, development, and growth team at the national level.

Fintech, green technologies, e-commerce... the emergence of artificial intelligence is offering new opportunities to Africa today.

Research shows that this technology has the potential to contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, with $1.2 trillion potentially being generated in Africa. François Bitouzet, CEO of Vivatech, believes in the emergence of new unicorns on the continent

« Today, technology will speak your language, whereas before you had to adapt to technology. What’s interesting is that this changes the rules of the game. Especially the balance between countries, because access to artificial intelligence is not very costly. Continents that are lagging behind compared to the United States and China, such as Europe or Africa, can once again stand out, which is fascinating. And really, in Africa today, there is talent, there are structures, there is demand, and that’s what we’re trying to highlight. There is truly an open path for Africa in this area. »"

Vivatech, a true accelerator for African startups, awards the winners each year with the Africatech Awards.

Among this year's winners is Thalia Psychotherapy, which, thanks to artificial intelligence, aims to make mental well-being accessible and affordable

For Thalia, it will be an opportunity to develop our website, a project we are working on. With this award, we hope to develop it and make it accessible, even for Africans working in the diaspora, so they can easily access mental health services,’ explains Wamuyu Wanjohi, junior partner at Thalia Psychotherapy

In total, 37 African countries were represented at this edition of Vivatech, showcasing the richness and dynamism of this ecosystem. Africa is positioning itself more than ever as the continent to watch for digital innovation.

Article source:africanews