The Prime Minister of Côte d'Ivoire, Robert Beugré Mambé, stated on Thursday that the oil and gas sector could become the second driver of sustained and durable growth in Côte d'Ivoire after agriculture, which accounts for 22% of GDP.

The oil and gas sector will constitute the second driver of sustained and durable growth in Côte d'Ivoire," declared during his speech at the launch ceremony of the local content platform related to oil and gas activities.

Local content consists of a set of legal and regulatory requirements aimed at encouraging companies in the oil and gas sector operating in Côte d'Ivoire to integrate local content into their production processes in terms of hiring personnel, using local suppliers and vendors, as well as technology transfers.

He called on oil and gas companies, as well as their partners, to firmly commit to local content.

Several oil and gas fields, such as the Baleine and Calao fields, have been recently discovered in Côte d'Ivoire.

Today, we can affirm that the conditions are met to allow the State and Ivorians to fully benefit from the repercussions of oil and gas activities on our territory," congratulated the head of government.

Source of the article: atlasinfo